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Save me,Bad Boy: This is a Love Story Page 11

  Ms. Lein stroked me timidly over the back. "Do not worry, I'll see what can be done, but here you will definitely not stay ...."

  "Thanks ..." I said softly, breathing with relief. I finally got rid of everything. Everything will be fine ....

  I thought so.

  But the worst was yet to come.

  "Will you be okay for that?"

  "Yes, I currently live with my friend ..."

  "Okey, that's good, stay with him until you hear about us, your father is unpredictable, especially if he even takes drugs and consumes too much alcohol every day ..."

  I nodded, then we went downstairs again. My dad was standing in the hall waiting for us.

  "But that took a long time ...." he said with a grim mine. Ms. Lein no longer looked at him politely, but narrowed her eyes angrily. Well, now she knew how my father really was.

  I hope she did not make it too obvious ... the best way I made her as soon as possible from the dust.

  Cool and with suspicious eyes, they held their hands briefly, then Mrs. Leine went outside.

  Wait just a moment that my father did not notice, that I had told her everything, and then I'm w-

  My thoughts, which were already at Jase, were abruptly interrupted when my father grabbed me by the throat and pressed against the wall ,

  Ms. Leine had already left and I had the terrible premonition that my father knew what had fallen in the room before. Either because we've never talked so long, he's been listening at the Tr or Ms. Leine has just shown too much of her displeasure with him.

  Or I was too distracted by my father and 'had to be punished'. Who knows .... the fact was that he pressed me with his body against the wall and thereby pressed off my Luftrhre.

  My throat was closing and I did not understand what he was screaming in panic. When the environment flickered before me, he let me go and powerless I slid to the ground. Well, he did not want to kill me ...

  "YOU CAN NOT INITIATE THEM, YOU HAVE ALWAYS EXPRESSED ME TO YOU ... YOU'RE MISTSTCK, YOU ARE NOT GOING FOR ANYTHING!" he growled threateningly, barking at me with a crimson head.

  "Aaar !!!" I thought as he stepped into my stomach without consideration. His eyes flashed threateningly, out of his mouth ran the spit and his face was red with anger. He looked like a madman. Surely he had just before pulled out of the youth welfare office pulled something ...

  He completely went crazy.

  "You will pay for that!" he shouted and wanted to grab me by the wrist, but quickly I crawled to the side. My heart was racing, my breathing was much too fast and my hands were shaking with fear. So by the wind and furious with rage I have never seen my father ...

  My only clear thought was only: Jase ...

  Chapter 27

  I had to call him. Immediately. I fumbled in my pockets and felt my cell phone thank God in the back.

  My dad smiled on me, but I did not hear him. Everything was rushing in my head and cold sweat in fear ran down my back.

  Just one leg slammed again on my crumpled body, so I took the chance, got up as quickly as possible and dived to the side. My legs felt like a jelly and my stomach hurt.

  I ignored everything and ran as fast as I could into the kitchen. Maybe I would escape there through a window, because my father blocked the only exit. I heard the stinking breath of him behind me and fumbled with damp hands my phone out of his pocket.

  In a flash, I went to contacts and pressed Jason's number. But my father had already brought me one and grabbed my foot. I flew to the kitchen floor and hit hard with my chin.

  My phone was kicked to the side, but at least it had beeped 2 times before my dad pushed it away. I tried to get a knife or some weapon, but my dad was already on top of me.

  His eyes sparkle with anger and with an insane smile he looked down at me. He sat on my hip with his full weight and pressed my hands over my head to the ground. I fidgeted and squirmed, but he was a grown man and just too strong.

  "Mm, what are you doing now, you Gre without your Beschtzer, well !? You are only me!"

  He was referring to Jason, I just hoped that he had heard the ringing and would come here .... I had no other choice.

  I screamed and shrieked, but only a faint crawl came out.

  "What am I supposed to do with someone naughty like you? Mmmh, what do you mean .... I'm not going to have you here for a long time, maybe I should just use it and have my spa ... yes, you are you even more, have a great body ... "

  His laugh sounded completely crazy.

  He was definitely going crazy, too. He belonged in an institution ... Which father did that kind of thing please? He has not been my dad for a long time ...

  Eyes wide with fear, I stared at him as he sighed earnestly along my neck!

  "Hii ... iiil-fe ...." I croaked as loud as possible, but my throat did not seem to be quite okey.

  "Mmm, you smell so good ..." he murmured with his nose in my hair. He still held on to me with an iron grip, I could not do anything, not even fight back a bit.

  I was totally shocked when his disgusting lips lay on mine and he wanted to brutally penetrate with his tongue in my mouth.

  Disgusted, I turned my head to one side and did the only thing that occurred to me. I spat in his face. Unfortunately, it made him even more frantic and no matter how I fidgeted with my legs, he groped me and drove under my shirt.

  My feeble protests died down as he struggled with his knee on my already aching stomach as he pulled my pants down.

  I gasped in pain and felt I could not breathe. My heart was racing. I did not want to be raped by my own father!

  "Shut up," he snapped, slapping my face as I twisted my body as he tore my blouse apart. When I finally realized that I was lying in front of him only in underwear and with the shred of my blouse and had not the slightest chance, only the tears flowed so on my cheek.

  Sobbing, I watched him pull down his pants and closed his eyes. I held my breath as I felt his disgusting lips on my stomach and thought I heard a doorstep. But that was just imagination.

  But when I saw Jason standing in the doorway, I knew it was not a fancy. I could not believe my eyes, but even through the tear veil I would recognize him everywhere. Relieved, I collapsed. He ran to us and jerked my father away from me.

  He could not look so fast, because he already had a fist in his face. HOW DO YOU DARE TO TAKE MY GIRLFRIEND! " Jason yelled angrily and grabbed a pan from the stove.

  My dad was still totally overwhelmed by Jason's presence and had no time to fight back when my friend had fried his pan over him. Unconscious he lay on the ground.

  Then Jason hurried over to look at me worriedly. I was still grounded on the floor, unable to move. Soft tears rolled down my cheeks, but I was just incredibly relieved to see Jase here. He was my hero.

  Worried, he wiped the blood away from my chin.

  "Amy, what did he do to you ..." he whispered, reaching under my back and legs and lifting me up in bridal style. I still trembled with disbelief and shock, but winced violently as the abdominal pain hurt like knife bites.

  He quickly dropped me off at the work area and telephoned frantically. He almost shouted in his cell phone and then hung up after a short time. I sat there dazed and could not believe it all yet.

  "Soon the ambulance is coming ..." Jason whispered worriedly, looking me up and down and then taking off his sweater. Carefully, he put it around my bare shoulders and hugged me tightly.

  Then everything broke out of me and violently I sobbed into his shoulder. It was incredibly good to be in his arms. He gently stroked my back and laid his head on my shoulders. "Everything's fine, I'm here .... I'm here ...." he whispered reassuringly.

  I clung to him and cried.

  "He will not care for you anymore ..." Jason tried desperately to calm me down and stroked my hair.

  Far away in the background, I heard the stooges coming into the apartment when Jason said, "I love you, Amy, I love you so much."

  This surprised me so much
that I calmed down a bit and looked at him with glassy eyes and even managed a tiny smile.

  Although my heart was throbbing excitedly, it was a joyful sentence and I felt very warm. Had he said it under other circumstances, I would have jumped in the air for joy and would have snapped it. So I just threw myself around his neck and whispered a very small, strangled one: "I'm so glad you're there ..."

  Then Jason made room for the stewards who gathered around me. They said something, which I did not understand. I was just totally in shock and just stared at the wall.

  A woman briefly examined me and then said something to her colleague.

  I pulled Jason's sweater tighter around my shoulders and inhaled its soothing odor.

  My songs fluttered and the surroundings blurred more and more in front of my eyes. Suddenly I felt very cold, then I only noticed, as I tilted on the side, Jason caught me and then everything became black around me. It was just too much for my nerves.

  Chapter 28

  Jason's POV

  Delicately, I brushed a strand from Amy's face. I sat next to her on the hospital bed and held her hand. I had been quite worried in the ambulance, but the doctor said earlier, where they examined her, that it was only from the stress and anxiety.

  As I did, I bit my teeth and tensed as I thought of Amy's father, that asshole. How could he? His own daughter! Luckily, I had arrived in time .... I would have liked to beat him short and small. But already a pan had knocked him out.

  At that moment, only Amy was important to me, she was so shaken and seeing her crying broke my heart. She had to go through so much, but now it was over.

  Lovingly I looked into her pale, sleeping face. At last I had been able to say the three words in my panic. Certainly not the most romantic environment, but I just had to tell her. Because it was true.

  I just loved her over everything. And to see her lying there injured me with a stab in my heart. I would like to take the pain for her ...

  I was really shocked when the doctor told me she already had bad internal injuries. She should have been in the hospital long ago.

  According to him, these were pretty painful and Amy had to be a really strong girl she had endured so much. Yes, my girl was really more than strong ...

  Blinking, she opened her eyes and immediately I leaned over to her and smiled at her. Mde smiled back at her.

  "Hey ..." I whispered affectionately. "Hey ..." she answered quietly and looked around in confusion. Then her eyes cleared and she grimaced in disgust.

  "How are you?" I asked her gently and stroked her cheek.

  "Good, because you're there ...." I heard through her croaking. The doctor said earlier that she must have been banged briefly, but that she had been lucky and should soon normalize her voice.

  "I love you too .... That's what I wanted to say earlier ..." Although she looked battered, her eyes beamed at me lovingly. My heart stopped briefly and then threatened to jump out of my chest. Her smile was simply the most beautiful gift in the world ...

  I leaned even closer to her face and kissed her passionately. She deepened the kiss even more and buried her hands deep in my hair. The kiss was like everyone else, just wonderful and breathtaking. He would have been better, did not bring a nurse into the room at the same time.

  Terrified, we drove apart and then both had to laugh. At least she could laugh again ...

  "Oh, I did not mean to bother, just tell them they do not have to stay over the night, it's all over okey ..." the younger nurse said sheepishly. Relieved, I smiled at my princess. Without her, I could not have kept it up tonight ...

  After she had given my Amy still pills for the neck and against the stomach ache, she disappeared again.

  "Where is my father now?" Amy asked in a weak voice.

  "He's been on the police station for a while telling them what I've seen, and what you told the youth welfare office is also against him, but you're sure you do not have to To worry..."

  She just nodded in thought and I stroked her hand. "What is in it ... before I came, happened?"

  I did not want to burden her, but I needed to know what was going on


  With a brisk voice and with small breaks between the steps, she described the meeting with Ms. Lein and how she wanted to call me quickly.

  "Thanks for coming so fast, I can not imagine what would have happened otherwise ..." she whispered again close to the tears.

  Immediately I closed her in my arms and kissed her on the bat.

  "I had been waiting quite anxiously for your call and when you hung up immediately, I thought maybe something was wrong, but do not think about it, nothing happened, but that bastard will pay for it Dirty fingers could not leave with you! You must necessarily make a statement and show him ... "

  Unfaithfully, she fiddles with my sweater, which she still had on.

  "I do not know ... I do not want to go to a home just because I'm not 18 ..."

  I assured her that she had to report her crazy father, that she had to live with me a week before she turned 100 years old. And since I'm full-aged, that will probably not be a problem. And then you could see further.

  This reassured her and after the doctor had examined her again, she was allowed to go. With the words: "You have to spare yourself!" We left the room and I called my brother if he could pick us up.

  As always, it was up to him and with his car, we drove to me. Exhausted, Amy immediately fell into my bed and I lay down next to her. She embraced me like a rescuing anchor. After watching her sleep for a while, I knotted our legs and fell asleep.

  Amy's POV

  Jason did everything in the next few days that I forgot about the incident, and it went pretty well. Luckily nothing else happened between my father and me, Jase could stop that. At first I flinched briefly at his touch, but soon it was again mistaken.

  Yesterday I went to the police and made a statement. My father was cold-deprived and went to jail. There were enough points that spoke against him. From then on, I was relieved to breathe, because there he will be stuck for several years. Finally he can not care for me ...

  I was just in town with Jase buying a dress for my coming birthday. Jase was just that, and although he was bored and impatient, he came too dear to me. He did almost everything for me, I loved him so much, he was so cute

  I had several clothes in the cabin and was about to change when Jase put his head in it.

  "Here, give it a try, I'll bet it's up to you," he said with a grin, holding out a transparent dessous with a black lace.

  I looked at him, stunned. He's crazy, there you see everything ...!

  "Never!" Laughing, I shook my head and hit his shoulder.

  "Okay, then another time ...."

  I turned in front of the mirror in a short, green cocktail dress. "What do you think about?" I asked him and pointed to my reflection. I really liked the dress. Above all, my body recovered great and there were only a few residues of the injuries to see. Finally I could easily wear shorter clothes.

  "To have a snack ..." he whispered in a deep voice. I really wondered when he became such an incredibly affectionate idiot .... Grinning, I raised an eyebrow asking.

  He came up to me, clutched my hips tightly and eagerly devoured me with his longing look. It was probably clear that I liked him in the dress.

  "I could stare at you all day long and kiss ... your lips .... make me crazy, crazy for you" he breathed very close to my mouth and leaned his forehead against mine. His warm, heavy breath tickled my lips and I shuddered, pressing my lips hard on his. He kissed passionately and pushed me back into the locker room where I had changed.

  He pressed me hard against the wall and went up and down my thighs. I got a goose bump and realized how he grinned knowingly. Yes, he was well aware of the effect on my body ...

  As he pulled my legs up under the dress, I gasped and shook the stunned. Head. "Idiot!"

  "But your idiot ..." he breathed seductively, bit into my lower lip and pulled it
lightly. I could not hold back my brains, but came to my senses.