Save me,Bad Boy: This is a Love Story Page 12
"We're in a cabin here .." I mumbled between our hands, though I would have loved to go on.
"Unfortunately ..."
He kisses and bit into my skin on the neck and I became more and more restless. We were in a department store, everyone could see us!
"Jase, stop it ..." I said weakly.
"Why sweetie?" he mumbled. "Everybody should know that you only belong to me, you are mine ..."
I had to smile at his words and whispered in his ear: "You are so irresistible ..."
His eyes widened and blackened with desire and lust but I just smirked and pushed past him.
Stunned, he looked at me with a 'is-that-now-your-serious' look.
I just laughed, it had to be a bit of fun.
"So, what about the dress?"
Chapter 29
My life was perfect for the first time.
I've done a lot with Katy lately and we've become really good best friends.
From the old apartment of my father and I, I got the things and jumped happily in the air when I learned that she would now be mine. Other family members did not exist anymore.
I put them free for sale and soon had several people interested in it. In Munich, it was not easy to get an apartment in the city center, and I was also happy when I sold it. I wanted to leave my old life behind me and got a tidy sum for the apartment.
I was so grateful to Jason's family that I was still allowed to live with them for so long, and with Zac, I got along great.
But above all, the relationship between Jase and me became ever closer.
The evening before my 18th birthday we stood side by side on the terrace and looked into the starry sky. "What are you planning for tomorrow?"
"Nothing special, I thought the main thing was we do something together ...."
"Sounds good," he said with a grin.
"Oh yeah, I managed to stop smoking right now, just for you, I did not want to risk that you would not kiss me at some point ..."
I squealed happily and fell around his neck. From the force he staggered back laughing.
"Thanks ... I know how hard that must have been for you ..." I mumbled, looking deep into his eyes and kissing him intently. He returned and wrapped his arms around my back.
"Get up Sweeti, you're 18 now!"
"Mmhmm ..." I grumbled and opened my eyes. I looked surprised to Jase, who carried a gigantic tray. Thereupon I discovered coffee, bread, boiled eggs, salami, ham, cheese, everything possible.
Jason grinned, put the tray on the blanket and gave me a long kiss.
"Happy birthday se ..."
"Thanks, that's full of love" I was happy and pulled him by the neck again to me.
Then we had breakfast in bed and I put on the green dress I had recently bought with Jase.
The only people who congratulated me were Katy, Zac and Jason, but that was enough for me. They were the most important people I loved the most. Especially Jason ...
As Zac grinned appreciatively through his teeth and grinned, "You look sharp!", Jason almost killed him with his killer looks. Zac disappeared laughing quickly as Jason loomed ahead of him.
Katy grinned and whispered in my ear, "The dress is really pretty." Thankfully, I smiled at her.
After we had cake, Katy went back, I could do something with Jason alone. She had given me a beautiful silver necklace.
My friend wanted to give me his gift but later. It was very hard for me to be patient, I was really curious what he would give me ...
Then we went to Mum's grave and this time I was even able to suppress the tears. Jason stood close beside me and held me tight. I was incredibly happy to have him and I think my mum was happy for me as well. Finally I had a normal life. With Jason ...
"Come, now I'll show you my birthday present ...." he whispered in my ear and took my hand.
We drove somewhere by car, all the while wanting to know what he was giving me. Of course he betrayed nothing, only: "I've planned something for tonight, that's also your birthday present ...."
Now I was even more curious. When we then kept away from Munich in a normal street, I looked around in wonderment.
He pulled me by the hand to a large apartment on the right. Completely confused, he took out the key and unlocked it. My thoughts are racing. What we did here .....
He led me through the 8-room apartment and my mouth remained open in amazement. For a flat everything was very spacious and totally modern. As I looked out of the window I looked at a large garden that even had its own small pool!
But what did we do here? And why did Jase have the key?
I could not believe it, that ... that was .... impossible.
But that was not it.
Jason grinned wide and stunned, I stared at him. He put the house key in my hand and waited anxiously for my reaction. Hypnotized, I stared at the key. Should that mean. ...? Really the whole apartment .... but but ....
"My birthday present," said my friend and slowly my body registered that he wanted to give me this big, chic apartment. OMG ... !!!!!!!!!
I awoke from my rigidity, gasping for breath and searching for words.
"Ohmann .... Jase .... that .... that's -... wow ..." I stammered and then nearly crushed him.
"I would move in with you, if you want that too ...." he whispered.
"What, are you still asking! Oh my God, that's sooooo great !!!!" I called out of the cottage and smooched him off. He laughed. Anyway, I wanted to get out of my parents' house as soon as possible and living with you is the best thing that ever happened to me, YOU are the best thing that could happen to me. "
Excited, I squealed. "That's so S, thank you, thank you !!!!"
After more than 5 minutes I finally calmed down. That was the best birthday present I've ever received. Also, the apartment must have been quite expensive ....
I could not wait to finally move in !!!
After I had looked around a bit, I thanked again berschwnglich.
"You are simply the best...!" I beamed at my friend, stood slightly on tiptoe and kissed him passionately. He grabbed my butt and lifted me closer to him.
I pulled lightly on his soft hair, which elicited a throaty humming.
He was pacing up and down my pages. My heart was racing and I just wanted to feel it everywhere.
He ran his hands under my shirt and I saw in his eyes flash the desire.
"We have to consecrate the apartment ..." he murmured and as a confirmation I press my lips again on his.
Chapter 30
Our tongues fought a wild fight and everything exploded inside me. I was extremely hot and I just wanted more from Jase.
Unfortunately we were both human and needed air.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pressed myself closer to him and looked deep into the beautiful brown eyes.
"It's better to look at me that way, otherwise my control is completely gone." he growled in a deep voice, clenching his teeth.
I just smiled mischievously and pulled under his shirt while his hands were on my bottom.
When Jason's lips were back on mine, my feelings almost blew me away. He could kiss me wildly. I pulled the top over his head, then our lips were already on each other again.
While I kissed his bare upper body, he went back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.
"How long I wanted that ...." he murmured. Nerve, I smiled at him. I wanted to do everything right.
I trailed his six-pack as his hands gently brushed my stomach. Shortly after, my shirt was gone and Jason pushed me back into bed. He looked at me affectionately, but at the same time he had so much desire in his eyes that I have never seen him before.
"Amy, I'm reluctant to ask, but are you really sure?" He whispered out of breath and just seemed to strained his back.
"Yes ..." I breathed and pulled him by the neck to my mouth.
He looked me straight in the eye and opened my bra. I just smiled at him and he smiled back lovingly. As the s
tale fabric that separated our upper bodies was gone, his lips were back on mine. He had his arms down on his left and right, his hands in my hair. Nevertheless, we were as close as never before.
His body on mine was pleasant and I just left him the lead. He had the experience and I realized that too.
After he licked my upper body with his lips, our pants flew pretty fast afterwards.
The whole time he looked at me gently, as if to make sure that I would find it good or if I might find it unpleasant. But it certainly was not like that, I enjoyed his touch, it just felt so good and right.
At the beginning I was a little nervous, but Jason gave me a reassuring touch, then pulled a little bag out of the bedside drawer and intertwined our fingers. I was happy in his eyes to see how much he wanted me.
For a moment I felt uncomfortable and it hurt a bit, but Jase looked at me so softly that I did not notice it anymore.
Slowly he moved and sneered. My body moved with him and I gasped out of breath. It felt incredible and I just knew it was the best moment in my life. I did not regret it. That was not the last time.
"That was the best time I ever had ...." Jase whispered. I lay with his back to his chest and he had a hand wrapped around my stomach.
The other played with one of my haircuts. Our skin touched almost everywhere and our legs were knotted together.
When I thought back to the last minutes, I automatically smiled.
"I have no comparison, but it was better than I ever imagined ...." I said softly, feeling him hold me closer.
"I love you so much." He whispered. Immediately a groan skin covered me and I smiled dreamily.
"I love you too."
So we lay skin after skin for a while in bed. Jason stroked my body and I closed my eyes genius. Half a year ago, I had never dared to dream of having such a great friend, let alone losing my innocence. Well, it could be that fast. But I was so grateful to Jason.
He had never pushed me to it, even though he had probably not laid flat for months. I KNOW he did not, he was incredibly loyal despite his image.
Well, while I thought about us in love, Jason was getting dressed again. I was reluctant to let him out of bed, he was so cuddly and warm ...
Now I firmly wrapped my blanket around my body. I watched him suspiciously, hopefully not that he was leaving now, after he got what he wanted .... Apparently he had noticed my frightened expression and came towards me.
"Do not worry, I just want you, I love you, but now I have to prepare your other surprise, just be done in 30 minutes."
"Okey ..." I breathed and gave him another quick kiss. I trusted him. He had bought us a flat together (which I still could not believe !!), he wouldn't just leave. I let my head fall back into the pillow.
After 10 minutes, I was finally able to stand up and looked at the apartment again with a smile. There was even a walk-in closet !!! Unfortunately it was empty now, so I put on the green dress again.
I ran my hair and looked in the reflection on my cheeks still slightly cheeks.
I beamed from one ear to the other. That was the best birthday I ever had.
Jase honked in front of the door and quickly I went out. Next to him were also his friends Ryan and Dustin.
"They helped me with the preparation."
The two grinned at me and then congratulated me on my birthday. They gave me a cheek kiss, with Jase watching her suspiciously. "Hey, woe, you're getting in touch with my girlfriend, the best, this one is ...!" He said for safety.
"Do not worry, she's just Bro." Dustin said and Ryan waved us a grin.
"Have fun with you!"
Then they were gone.
"Come," Jason smiled and held out a hand. Only now did I realize that he was leaning against a motorcycle.
When my friend noticed my look, he said with a grin, "Is Zacs, I borrowed it."
I grinned and then got on the bike behind him. With the dress that would go anyway.
I snuggled up to him and rested my head on his shoulderblades.
He smiled briefly at me and then drove off. After 20 minutes we were there.
Jason parked the bike on the side and helped me down off the seat. Curious, I looked around. We were outside the city in a meadow at the edge of the forest.
Jase took my hand and holding his dog, he led me a short distance through the forest. From afar I could see small lights shining through the trees.
My mouth stopped open when I saw what Jason had set up in front of me.
We stood at the edge of a small lake and on the shore a large blanket was spread out. On the very many, small pillows were to make it even more comfortable than it already was.
Next to it stood a huge picnic basket with all sorts of tasty things.
And for the sake of the mass, there were masses of tealights in a heart shape around the ceiling. It looked stunningly beautiful.
My friend put a hand on my back and asked, "Fell you?" Surely he was afraid that I might find it too cheesy. But on the contrary, it was amazing.
"Wow, something romantic I would not have dared you ..." I brought in amazement only out.
"Well, I'm full of surprises."
"And how ..." I mumbled, giving him a long, heartfelt kiss. His hands moved on my hip and pulled me close.
After a little eternity, we sat down and sat on the blanket. Immediately Jase pulled me on his lap. In love, we smiled at each other, then he opened the picnic basket.
"Thanks ... you're the best!"
He grinned at me and then lovingly fed me.
My dream type was always in the nose. So you can fool around in people, first you should get to know them better ...
I never thought that one day could be so nice. Only Jason had made that possible for me. I used to sit alone in the apartment with my dad and nobody even congratulated me at all. Everything was different now. And I was so happy about it. Now I could enjoy my life.
With Jason.