Save me,Bad Boy: This is a Love Story Page 10
Still shocked, I looked into her sad and frightened eyes. She was probably afraid that I would repay her now, but she could not get rid of me so quickly. Sure, the sight was awful, but now I had even more the need to protect her and to protect her.
She was mine and nobody would do her any more. I found them still wonderful, even if the air stayed away at the sight.
Amy was still waiting tensely for a reaction from me and I just pulled her gently to me, so as not to hurt her. "You are the bravest girl I know ..." I whispered and stroked her head.
"You should really have a doctor look at it." I said worried but she just shook her head sobbing. "No, they would wonder where that comes from, I can not say that ..."
I sighed, that could not go on like this. As I tried to calm her, more and more anger was creeping up in me. I clenched my hands into a fist and was mad at her father at the moment. He would pay for what he did to her!
Holding our hands, we ran side by side to our classroom and how usual I feel the looks of the girls on me. Before Amy could quickly put herself in her seat because all her attention was offensive, I pressed against her and gave her a heartfelt kiss. Everyone should know that they belonged to me.
Then I left her with red cheeks and sat down in my seat next to Ryan. This grinned at me, but I turned away only with eyes and smiled dreamily.
Suddenly, a too-made Melly came up to me and just sat down on my desk and leaned in front of me. She kept her neckline in front of my face. How cheap. Disgusted, I looked at her, but she was not deterred.
'Tempting' she strummed her eyelashes. She did not turn me on at all, it was more like puking. Besides, I belonged to Amy, who was watching us suspicious the whole time. Before Melly could somehow pin myself or put her lips on mine, I pushed her away rudely.
I meant it really seriously with my little Ally and she should also see that I did not want to have anything to do with these school sluts. "Get out of here, that's kind of horrible!" I snapped at Melly, who was staring at me stunned. Then she snorted, threw her hair back in a mischievous way and rushed off. I was only right.
Amy's POV
I was sitting in the garden, doing my homework, when Jason came out of the house and paused to stand beside me. "Hey!" I said pleased. He was much happier now than doing homework ....
Involuntarily, he stepped from one foot to the other. Confused, I looked into his eyes. "What's happening?"
"hm ... well ... I wanted to ask if ....."
embarrassed he scratched the back of his head and drove through his hair.
"Amy, do we want to .... so you want to go to the cinema tonight?"
Immediately my mine lit up. I thought it would know what's wrong now ... as he had stuttered around.
Shocked and stripped I looked at him and tried hard to suppress my laughter. It was just so mega s, the time was the upper Macho embarrassed, I had to take advantage!
"So you do not have to, if you do not want to, I thought -" he said quickly as he saw my playful, stunned look. Then I really could not hold myself anymore and laughed out loud. First he looked irritated, then he probably lit up and he shook his head angrily.
I still had to laugh because he had fallen for it and then also drew Jase a smile.
"Do you have to make it harder for me than it already is for me?" He thought. I finally got myself under control and smiled at him.
"Just the two of us?"
"Yeah ... well, yeah I'm not good at that ..." he mumbled.
He found it difficult to ask for a date. But I thought that he had done it anyway, even though he did not like the romantic.
"Me neither," so I kept grinning. Relieved, he beamed at me as I pulled him in response to me and ksste.
Then he had to leave again, because he had an appointment with Ryan and Dustin and I reluctantly finished my homework. Jason actually had some, but he probably did not.
Unfaithfully, I bent over the suitcase with all my clothes. I did not know what to wear. Sure, we went to the movies, but it was still a date and I wanted to turn Jason around a bit. But that also shows skin. Critically, I examined my body. My legs were injury free now (or what do you call that? XD), only my arms were covered with bruises and in the area below my keyhole there was a small bruise that took a little longer to heal.
I rummaged in my clothes and then pulled out the only 6 things that were fancier. I had 3 finer dresses and 3 beautiful outfits, but somehow I felt like finally wearing a dress again. So I halved the selection and examined the 3 short dresses. They all went right up to their knees, but that was not a problem, because my legs looked good without any stains. Finally, I opted for a light pink, strapless gown that had a black band around the hips.
It did not obscure all the bruises, but I still wanted to pull it on anyway. It'll be dark in the movies and on the streets anyway. Briefly, I seriously asked Jason's Mum to ask me if I could take a cream to cover the protruding wounds, but I rejected that immediately. I did not want to ask her, she was more than unsympathetic to me.
So I ran to Zac's room and knocked tentatively. It was wrong to ask him, but now I really did not feel like Beth and needed the cream or the powder, depending on what was there.
"In..?" I heard Zac's voice and quickly slipped into his room. "Hi, I do not mean to go hard, but I'll go out with Jase later and ...."
"Oha, Jason's going out with you?" he asked in surprise.
"HM Yes..?"
"Wow, that never happened before, you really have to mean a lot to him, so have fun then ..." he said with a grin and I automatically had to smile as well, my heart was warm. Good to know that he had never done that with his one-night stand.
But I wanted to ask if I could use your mum a little bit of make-up .... do you think this is okey for her, if I take just a little? "I asked shyly and he laughed.
"Sure, definitely, just do it."
"Phew good, okey, thanks!" I exclaimed and then quickly disappeared from his room. If Beth-sorry, Mrs. Ray, as she always wanted to be called-would somehow be angry, I could say Zac has given the permission.
In the bathroom cabinet I also found what I was looking for and covered the few wounds that were still easy to see. But no comparison to earlier, sooo long for 4 years, no more bruises ... finally I could be happy.
Chapter 25
Embarrassed, I stood in front of Jase, when he came to his room to get me to the cinema.
I wore the pink dress to my open blond hair. I had lured her slightly and also put on some jewelry.
When Jason looked at me and almost devoured it, I smiled shyly. I've never been alone with a boy in the evenings or wore a tight dress before him.
"Wow .... you look stunning ..." he whispered in my ear in a deep, sexy voice.
"Thank you ...." I whispered embarrassed, staring intently into his beautiful, glittering brown eyes. He was wearing normal pants, but a tight-fitting, chic black T-shirt. You could see his muscular outlines and I had to admit that he looked really hot ...
As it goes without saying, Jason paid for the 2 movie tickets, as well as drinking and popcorn. We had pretty much debated what movie, because the macho definitely did not want to go into a romance.
Ultimately, it was but after all, after I had worked on it. He agreed to 'No place without you' to look and said with a smile: "It's not anyway about the movie, but about you."
My heart made jumps and then he had me gehrtst tender. So it came about that I sat smiling with Jase in the last row. I expected him to watch the movie with me.
At first he put an arm around my shoulder and looked bored forward. As I tried to focus on the film, he looked at me from the side, which made me restless. Although the movie was awesome, I could not concentrate anymore when he played with a strand of hair from me and the other hand grasped my bare thigh.
I was totally hot and I breathed irregularly, but tried to ignore him. I knew what he had for a purpose ...
Then he ran his fingertips over my legs and on the inside of the thighs
back up. It had been around for a long time ..... as he drove up, I gasped and stopped his hand as she slipped under my dress. "Jase, we're here at the CINEMA ....." I hissed. My God, could not he behave !?
"Relax, it's dark ...." he whispered close to my ear. A tense skin covered my body and I blinded everything around me. The movie was forgotten.
"Um, have you got dirty thoughts again, Mr. Roy?" I whispered, close to his lips, smiling. As good as he went he pulled me over the seat to him and his lips were already on mine. I felt his warm hands on my shoulders and took a deep breath of his great scent that dazed me.
We cuddled for a while, then I broke away from him and looked back at the film.
After almost 2 hours the movie was out. As far as I could tell, he was really good. I was just too distracted, every now and then Jase me geksst and took my breath away.
"Thanks, it was very nice," I said with a smile as we got out in front of his house.
"I thought so too ..." he smirked, taking my hand and unlocking the door.
"I'll take a quick shower, do you want to go after that too?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No, I have this morning already."
As he went to the bathroom, I took off my shoes and jewelry. I was just impatiently pulling on the zipper of the dress, since I did not get it on when I heard Mrs. Ray's voice down the hall.
"How many times have I told you that you should not take a shower in such a short time! And you're going to fool around in the living room!"
Jase said something that I did not understand. I heard Mrs. Ray's voice clear as she screamed as she mumbled around.
"This is my house Jason, you will do as you are told!"
Then Jason came in the boxer shorts and snorted furiously.
"Everything OK?" I asked and he just waved angrily. "Yes, I just hate that, she wants to decide everything, I'd like to find an apartment soon ..."
He reacted immediately, when he came to me and hugged me.
I smiled at him and then asked him to fumble around on my zipper.
"Come, I'll help you ..." he whispered in my ear. I was very hot and when I felt his fingertips on my skin, I shivered briefly. Slowly he pulled the zipper down and pierced me with his eyes.
"Thanks ..." I whispered embarrassed as he scanned my naked body. I only wore my underwear. I saw his eyes darken, and as he stroked my hips, the desire in his eyes flashed. It felt good what he did, he could have gone on with me, but he took a quick breath and let me go.
It seemed as if he pulled himself together. "Come on, we sleep better now, it's late ..." he said in a harsh voice, took my hand and then pulled me into his bed. For the first time I cuddled up to him, clothed only in the little fabric of the underwear. Wherever our skin touched, everything in me tingled. He shoved his leg between mine and held me tight in his arms. And as always with him, I fell asleep with the steady thump of his heart under my ear, very quickly.
The days passed and Jase and I understood each other better and better. We were also physically closer and closer, but further, as to the underwear we did not go. At the moment everything was running perfectly for me until this bleak e-mail came on my cell phone ...... from the youth welfare office.
Since my father lived alone with me, about every half year someone came by and looked at everything. I was scared and did not want to play like my dad and me were all okey. Jason had said more often in the last few days that I have to show my dad. But I just did not dare and among other things, I would definitely come to a home and I really did not want to do that shortly before my 18th birthday ....
I had already decided not to go, but Jase convinced me to do it, but tell them the truth of my father. The bruises that had not yet receded would be proof enough, even if he behaved properly during the inspection.
We made it that I would do it, only at the end of the woman or the man to tell everything. My father was not allowed to have any of this, because then he would surely rest. He would then hopefully only know it when I was away at Jase and he hopefully in prison ....
"Well, you can call me anytime, you have to do it on your own, but I'm waiting for you at home, you're a strong girl, Okey?"
It was just as he wanted to help me, but he was right, I had to go through this alone now ...
"I do not know if I manage to tell them everything ..."
I think of you, everything will be fine, "he told me.
"Okey .... thanks Jase, you're the best ..." I whispered and then looked out of the car on my apartment anxiously.
"You can do Sweeti .... call me when it's over and I have to pick you up." Then he leaned over and gave me a long, intense kiss. With a smile on my face I got out and then nervously closed the door.
Chapter 26
"Why is it looking so messy this time?" asked Ms. Lein from the youth welfare office, which had been there for an hour. I sat next to my dad and she next to me, just the standard conversation was made.
"That's because I was sick last week and I wanted to clean my little one's up and do not want to wake up." My dad said with a caring voice and did nicely. Disgusted, I looked at him. Pa h! This is because I have not lived here for over a week and not in the room ...
Such a liar ..... After all, he was showering and did not smell like alcohol, cigarette or drugs. Seems as if he had pulled himself together to make a good impression here for the appointment ...
He always did, but this time I did not play with it and did not open: 'I love you about all daddy ..!'.
Sullen, I stared in front of me.
Luckily, my dad did not have any time left for anything but, "Woe, you're not behaving, you're still living here, get it!" Shut up, shut up! "
to shout, then came already Mrs. Lein.
She had inspected the house and not as satisfied as usual. But it was still a mess here, my dad had only a few things gerumt.
I looked at the clock all the time and hoped that Mrs. Lein would finally come to an end. Because then there was a second conversation, where she would inquire after my health.
Then I could finally tell her the truth and my father's filthy prediction would come to an end. Jase was right, I should have done something long ago. But I had not dared to do that before, but now with Jason's help. I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible ...
"Mmmmh good, so it looks like someone may have to come over in a few weeks, so that they keep the custody of their daughter, they should pay attention to the environment." The apartment must be cleaned and no food in the fridge Look for it better. "
Mrs. Lein went on and closed her papers.
I noticed how my father seethed in anger, but quickly hid his sullen face behind a cheerful facade. He was really a good actor ... A miracle the way he does the 3 hours of withdrawal without alcohol and drugs. And although no inspection has gone so badly so far, he tried to travel together, only glaring at me every now and again as I sometimes commented on the apartment. But I did not care what he thought now, it was over. The truth would come to light ...
"Okay, then Amy, let's go to your room and have the final conversation, you already know it."
I nodded and followed her into my room. My dad gave me a warning look.
Mrs. Lein closed the door behind me, this conversation remained below us.
"So Amy you go, here you can stay honest as usual, do you feel anything, do you feel well here, and is your father good to you?"
Each time she passed by the youth welfare office, I had each of her questions with a clear "Yes." answered. But this time, I mustered my courage, took a deep breath and thought of Jason. MY Jason. He had helped me so incredibly. With as much self-confidence as possible, I said, "No."
"He's bullying me for almost 4 years ...."
Then I talked and talked. I told her everything exactly and she wrote eagerly.
Now and then she interrupted me shocked and looked at me pained. But I had the impression that she believed me. Especially when I showed her the remains of my bruises. Terrified
, she jerked back and cautiously hugged me at the end of the tale as tears formed in the corner of my eye.