Save me,Bad Boy: This is a Love Story Page 8
He uses me as his servant and I have to do everything what else does he say ... otherwise .... otherwise he will beat me up .... "
Towards the end I had the feeling that the air was gone. Meanwhile, Jason looked at me dumbfounded. I took a deep breath and my words came slightly easier over the lips.
"Anyway ... that's been going on for 4 years ... Sometimes he beats me with a broom or hits my knee in the stomach, just because he did not go fast enough, or he just sucks me because he just wants to and whimsy about it. "
Jason gasped and I tried to concentrate and keep talking.
"That's where the stains come in. Whenever old injuries are healed, new ones come in. He hits me almost every day, but I dare not do anything, I'm so scared of him ..." I sobbed the last sentence, longer I just could not stand it anymore. It was damn hard to talk about.
"Jason looked at me worried and then immediately took me in his arms." Automatically, I wrapped my arms around his back and sobbed into his chest, stroking my head reassuringly, "Shhhh, it's alright ..."
As I continue I cried, I realized how he tensed and he said softly: "THEREFORE you went so bad on the day in school, where you spit .... that bastard had hit you in the stomach!"
"Wait ... that was not all .. "I hiccuped, when I had caught something again He let me go, but sa close to me and looked deep into my eyes.
"I've been wearing almost no short-sleeved clothes for 4 years because I always have to cover the bruises, my whole body is full of them, so I'm also in awe of you, you're even better off than others because I trust you These regular beatings have dulled me and make me twitch with normal touches, and I was not like that when my mum died I was alone with my brutal father, I had no one, so I've got more and more Until I was the scared, shy girl everyone knows. "
"You are not weak, you are the strongest girl I know ..." he whispered shocked and stroked a strand from my face. I tried to smile, but failed miserably.
"I just hated when people were chatting about my clothes and I was totally hurt when I overheard what you said to me about Ryan and Dustin, I pulled back all those years, I just did not have anyone I could be important to you, you're the first person I've entrusted to me. " I shut off and only now did I notice how more tears slowly ran down my face.
Jason still looked stunned and extremely shocked and took me in his arms again. "Amy, I'm so sorry for what I did, I did not know how hard you got home ... how did you endure that for so long? I'd been broken for a long time ..."
His loving, compassionate expression turned from one second to the other. How can he beat you at all! A girl and his daughter too! This ass! Instead of looking after you, he gives you a big green and blue! He can experience something from me! "
Jason suddenly had the total outburst of rage and jumped off the bench. His face was distorted in anger and I quickly grabbed his hand, which he had clenched into a fist. He squeezed them so much that the knuckles were already sticking out white. His eyes were black with anger and disbelief.
"Is okey ..." I whispered softly, trying to calm him down.
"NOTHING IS OKEY! What kind of person is he? He does not have any more to hurt you like that! I'd love to take him to Stcke!" He growled and breathed quickly. I pulled him back to the bench and put a hand to his cheek. Immediately he calmed down and looked deep into my eyes.
"Why have you never told anyone about this? He's in jail!"
"I know ... but he threatened me that he would cause me so much pain that I did not think possible when I told anyone about it. ..I was just so scared and was scared .... he always did what he said ... "
Jason grabbed his hair" Oh god, ohgot ... "he said softly to himself, then lay his Look back at me.
"Did he ... did he ..-"
I shook my head quickly. "Not yet, but I'm so scared Jason, I can not stand it any longer ..." I howled and then the tears streamed back over my face.
"You're not alone, you can not get rid of me, I'm protecting you, he'll do you no harm, I promise." He said seriously and stroked my back gently.
Chapter 20
"D-Thank you ..." I sniffed and held him tight. He smiled weakly at me and then gave me a handkerchief. "I'm so sorry what you had to experience Amy, if only I could do something sooner ..." he still said with a weird glint in his eyes.
Only that his anger was my father and not me.
"You can not do anything, either ..." I sniffed and dabbed my red eyes with my handkerchief.
"Yeah, I could have been there for you ... and hit him ..."
I blushed slightly at his first sentence and then laid a reassuring hand on his.
"That does not help ... that just makes it worse ...."
"But it will certainly not stay that way anymore." He said seriously and then looked me in the eye with an incredible love. I almost had it hewn.
This sentence could be seen in two ways. Related to the beating of my dad or that between Jason and me.
He seemed to pierce me with his penetrating gaze as he looked from my eyes to my lips and back again. My heart pounded wildly, so I thought he had to hear it.
My breath was fast before the imminent and in my stomach spread a wonderful feeling. He came closer and closer to my face. I felt his warm breath against my cheek and looked at him uncertainly. I did not know what to do if his lips touched mine. But he only smiled at me gently and then his lips were already on mine.
My first kiss.
It rather brushed mine with his lips rather easily, yet my heart stopped for a moment and everything exploded inside me. It was as if I had cotton wool in my head and could not think of anything more than Jason.
This tender touch was not bad at all and my fears were forgotten. I wanted to feel that wonderful tingling in my stomach again.
He looked at me questioningly and I smiled slightly with red cheeks. It had been overwhelming. He smiled too, and this time his lips lay longer on mine. My muscles did not tense any more, I was completely relaxed and enjoyed the kiss.
Jason moved his lips very slowly to mine, only applying a slight pressure.
Automatically, I somehow knew what to do and moved my lips with his. It felt completely different than expected, but it was more than good. I did not know how Jason found it or whether I did it well, but it seemed so. He put his hand on my neck and pulled me closer, the other one on my back.
He tightened the pressure on my lips a bit and I returned the kiss as well. His lips caress my and my high spirits did not stop. Jason clearly had experience.
Slowly he let go of me again and looked at me critically. He probably was afraid that I did not like it, but somehow the touch of his lips did not bother me.
Without further ado, I clasped his face with my hands and put my lips gently on his mouth. He moaned, but let the kiss tender. He kissed me with as much feeling as if I were fragile.
As we parted, I grinned from one ear to the other.
Jason beamed at me happily and then asked, "And how did you find your first kiss?"
"Perfect ... the best feeling I've ever had." I only breathed, my voice was still occupied by this overwhelming feeling.
"Fete me too, I have never geksst a naughty girl And so zrtlich never before So also with me two premieres ...." he whispered and smiled at me, which caused 2 total se size.
"Amy .... do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked lovingly, playing with one of my haircuts.
"You already know that there is no more Lavina, Melly, and so on, then you have to settle for me ..."
"I am fully aware of that, and with you I have everything I want."
"Okey .... then yes ....." I whispered satisfied and could barely believe my luck. Today was the worst morning of my life, but at the same time the best.
"If my dad gets out, that shows you ...." I whispered and shuddered as I thought about it. We had decided that we would now run around until the evening in the city, which I did not have to go home. This WE sounded so good ... I still could not believe I could call Jason my frie
nd now.
I was even more scared to go home, but Jason advised me to act normally and call me immediately if my father attacked me at night.
"Come, I invite you to a sundae, I know a good ice cream parlor," he said, pulling me with him.
I did not say no to that.
The waitress came to our table. She was about Jason's age, slim and very pretty. "Hi, I'm Elli."
Says times every service presented with the first name !?
"What can I bring you?" She mused, but only looked at Jase.
"2 times the special sundae please." Said my friend, not paying attention to her put on (admittedly) overwhelming smile.
"Come right away, if I can bring you something, just say." She beamed at him, but to my satisfaction he just nodded and pressed his leg to my thigh under the table.
When Elli brought the really good-looking ice cream cups a few minutes later, she flirted shamelessly with Jason! Even though he was with me, another girl!
She even sat on it and wanted to stick my friend's number. But Jason stopped her and said quietly. "No thanks."
OK then! After all, he had me before geksst! He was able to prove that he was serious with me ....
Offended Elli rushed off and I watched her with a grin.
"May I taste of you?" He asked and I wanted to answer cheekily with a "No!".
Strained, I had to watch as he just stole a spoonful of ice cream from me.
His lips played a light smile.
"Here, you may also try from me ..." he said seductively.
I rolled my eyes with a smile, because of the ambiguity.
He shoveled some ice on his spoon and leaned in front of me.
Slowly he pushed the spoon into my mouth, which I had willingly opened.
Very slowly, I took the spoon in my mouth and closed my eyes genius. It tasted delicious ...
"Mmmh ...." I mumbled and looked, as I opened my eyes right in Jasons.
I catch his warm breath on my cheek and got very nervous, so I forgot even swallowing. His eyes were so beautiful ....
Grinning, he kept feeding me while we talked about everything.
Jason had successfully distracted me and we laughed a lot together.
"Well ... see you tomorrow ..." he whispered as we stood in front of my door. With a bad feeling, I looked at him.
"Do not worry, it will not happen now, just go to your room and call me right away, if there's something, ok?"
"Ok ..." I nodded and smiled at him. I was so happy to have him.
He stroked my hair out of my face and kissed me very gently. I enjoyed this heady feeling with a pounding heart. It felt like drug ... Jason drug ...
His fingers moved down my cheek down my neck. I got a nice snug bump, but could not stop the automatic flinching.
"Sorry ..." I whispered quickly but he just smiled encouragingly at me.
"Do not worry, we'll let it go slowly ..."
I smiled gratefully and reluctantly went into the apartment. As always, I immediately disappeared into my room and lay down in my bed. I put my cell phone on my bedside table, but thank goodness, I did not need it that night.
J asons POV
encouragingly I smiled my girlfriend (* - *) to when we stood together in front of the playground. I realized how nervous she was.
Uncertain, she looked at me, but I held out my hand and waited for her to put hers in mine.
Then we walked hand in hand to the school building and ignored the stinging looks of everyone.
I saw Ryan and Dustin looking at us open-mouthed, but I just waved a quick hand that I would tell them later.
The whole attention of the predominantly girls lay on us. I did not mind, but Amy was embarrassed and I quickly pressed her hand.
"They are just jealous ...." I whispered and Amy smiled gratefully at me.
I heard a blond, aufgetakeltes girl whispering: "Are they together?" I drove over to her and glared at her aggressively. "A problem with that ???"
Frightened, she pulled her head in and I saw a few other chicks look us evil or jealous. Well, they had to settle for that now.
Before class started, I gave Amy another kiss, then sat down in my seat and watched her all the time.
She was just 10 times more exciting than the lesson.
Chapter 21
Amy's POV
"You really do not have to drive me!" I told Jason after my shift in the Blue Spa Bar.
"Amy, no arguing, it's already dark, so someone pretty like you should not be out there! And now get in!" He said firmly and reluctantly, I got into his car.
My cheeks were still red from complimenting him.
During the ride we were silent until shortly before my entrance. But it was a pleasant silence, not an embarrassing one.
Jason decided to stay with me to 'fit on me', which I totally loved, but it was not a permanent condition either.
"Thank you for watching me, that's really nice ..." I said honestly as we got out and headed for the house door.
"I like to do ..." Mischievously he winked at me and I rolled my eyes smiling. Silently, we sneaked into my room. Thank God my dad did not know about Jason and me. And that I had consecrated my friend, he luckily did not know. So Jason had kept really close and told no one. Even though he had a completely different opinion.
He suggested I go to the police, but I did not want that. My dad could do something with me until the police did something.
Again it was the topic of conversation as we sat on the bed.
"You finally have to inform the youth welfare office!" he urged.
I shook my head. "I can not imagine what he does to me then!"
"He will not do anything to you while I'm there, I'll help you, but why did not the Youth Welfare Office actually get the checks on your daddy?"
I sighed and leaned against him.
"Because my dad did super daddy and I was not allowed to say a word, he threatened me ..."
Jason pulled me closer and put an arm around my shoulder. "That can not go on like that ..." he sighed.
"I know ...." I mumbled.
The rest of the evening we just lay on the bed and smooched each other. The familiar cotton wool feeling in my head had kicked in again and I only had it in my head.
His hands held Jason, which I was glad of. Slowly I got used to these touches, but I counted it up to him, that he started slowly.
The next day we spent a lot of time together and during the day we were at Jason's home.
His brother Zac grinned at us triumphantly when Jason told him that we were now a couple. Zac claimed that he knew it from the first moment.
I was afraid of sharing it with Beth Ray, but at some point she would get it anyway.
She pursed her lips and looked at us critically. Then she just said a simple: "Aha."
I was very relieved and Jason's father was nice after the first surprise and was happy for us.
The day went by way too fast and unfortunately I had to part with Jason's swollen lips and beating heart. This time even his hands on my waist did not bother me and I was really happy about that. I made progress and liked it more and more as Jason touched me. Pretty suddenly, I did not really care much, I enjoyed it.
Unfortunately, he could not spend the night with me tonight. Nevertheless, he reminded me again and again that I did not need to be afraid and should call him immediately if anything.
I smiled gratefully once more and then went to my house and lay down anxiously on the bed.
I was just beginning to realize how little anxiety and relaxed I was lately when Jason lay with me. Now my inner life was filled with deep unrest and I did not even remember how bad I had felt a few days ago without Jason, so all alone.
My dad roared upstairs, which I should immediately move my butt down to him and then I did that cautiously. But I had my cell phone ready in my pocket.
Disgusted, I turned my head away as I smelled the stink of sweat, smoke, and alcohol around hi
m. "SEE ME FOR IF I SPEAK WITH YOU!" he cried and missed me a hearty slap. I touched the aching, red spot. Panic, I then looked into his disgusting face and disappeared to the basement stairs.
On the way there, my dad once hit his foot and kicked me, causing me to fall. My nose was bleeding slightly from the impact and I quickly ran down the stairs.
Should I call Jason now? It had been 3 hours since I was with him. I did not want to call him for a bit and worry him, but I knew how it started. That was just the taste. Now my father would find even more reasons to completely rest.
Reluctantly, I called Jason.