Save me,Bad Boy: This is a Love Story Read online

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  "Give me my notebooks." I hissed and tore it from his hand. He could me! So maybe his true thoughts came out ... no one really liked me. Maybe it was all just a game he played with his friends - 'See if you can make Amy like you and trust you.'

  "Amy .. Oh god, sorry, I'm sorry, that just slipped out of me ... Hey, wait!" He shouted and ruffled his hair, but I passed him in our class. He followed me and stood in front of me. "Sorry, I did not mean it that way ..."

  "Yeah, you can put that where else, asshole!" I said furiously with bitten teeth.

  At the last word, he jumped. I jabbed him by the shoulder and sat down in my seat. All the looks, from our classmates, I simply ignored. He looked at me with a look that showed remorse, then sat down as well when the teacher came. I just snorted. Such people simply could not change.

  The only benefit of our 'conversation' was that I had forgotten my abdominal pain. Now, after the excitement was over, I feel an uncomfortable tingling sensation in the abdomen and my hands are sweating. He must have gotten me bad ....

  In the second break I lay stretched out on my main bank and took a deep breath in and out. I felt worse than before, I was slightly dizzy. I've been in even worse pain when my dad hit hard, but most of the time, when I lay down and slept for a while, they suddenly went away. Now I just had to last the last 2 hours ...

  To make matters worse, Jason came to me during the break and apologized a thousand times. He said it had just slipped out of him, but in fact he was definitely thinking that's what I'm poor. It had already hurt me a lot. Actually, I could not care less what he thought about me, but it was not like that. I thought we'd better understand each other after the outdoor pool and then he comes up with something and insulted me ...

  When the gong announced the end of the break, I looked at him again disgustingly and then went.

  It was the last hour of Friday, but I felt worse and worse. I had to lie down, I was already dizzy and in the last hour was added to such a nausea. Uneasily, I shifted in my chair and counted the seconds. Unfortunately the lesson was 30 minutes and I felt really bad.

  I hated attention, but now everyone turned to me in amazement as I raised my hand. I never stretched.

  Jason's POV

  "Can I get out for a

  minute, I'mnot so good ..."Amy's voice made me turn to her in surprise, as did everyone else. Her voice was shaky. Our teacher nodded and slowly slurped her to the door. She did not look good. Her face was totally pale and she lifted her stomach with her arm.

  The clamor of the pupils started again when she was gone and we continued math lessons. I waited for a moment and then shouted to the front if I was allowed to go to the bathroom. Reluctantly, she let me go and I quickly scurried out of the door.

  I quickened my pace and then saw her leaning against the school building wall in the playground. She stood slightly bent, still holding her stomach. I quickly hurried to her. "Amy ... what do you do, does your stomach hurt?" I was shocked myself at the gentleness in my voice. But she did not look at me and just stared at the floor with a sorrowful expression on her face.

  "Listen, I'm sincerely sorry for that once again, please forgive me ..." Why was it so important to me that she had a good picture of me? Well, I just liked her, her opinion was important to me. At the word 'asshole' I was already hurt, so I'm not really, that would have to know her ... and how she had looked at me .... totally disgusted .....

  But now she waved only briefly. "already OK..."

  I looked at her, surprised and relieved. Probably her anger was consumed by the pain. Which was not much better.

  "What happened?" I asked, looking at her pale face. Still, she still looked wonderful ...

  "That just came ..." she mumbled.

  I stretched out a hand to her and then delicately stroked a blond strand from her face. She looked up, right in the middle of my eyes and then smiled slightly. Wow .... her eyes were so wonderful blue .... I replied, then the smile suddenly gave way to concern.

  "You do not look good ...."

  Suddenly she jerked away and went downhill. I quickly stood behind her and held her hair out of her face. When she was done, I gave her a tempo with which she wiped her mouth. "Thanks ..." she said in a strangled voice.

  When she turned back to me, I saw a single tear flow down her cheek. She flinched briefly as I grasped her one face palm with my hand and stroked the tear with my thumb.

  She relaxed again and I examined her smiling face with a smile. She had such soft skin ... oh man, what did I think here ??? STOP! Jason, stop it immediately ... I admonished myself. Besides, how selfish of me here she was fascinated to watch while her was bad.

  Without further ado, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the next bench. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

  Amy's POV

  After about 2 minutes Jason came back. My time feeling was bad, it could have been longer or shorter. Actually, I almost thought that he would not come anymore ...

  "I have arranged everything." He pulled me up by the hand. Uncertain and shaky, I stood on my feet, but through my hand an incredible heat flowed. I squeezed Jason's hand even harder, he was just so sweet and caring .... I would not have expected this side as well with him ....

  "Come on, I'll drive you home now."

  Jerkily, I let go of his hand.

  "What no!!!" I definitely did not want to go back now. My father was able to lick my ass and get upset that I was not Zuahuse. Provided he noticed my absence at all. I just did not want to go to him right now. Who knows, maybe, or even most likely, I'll get more beats then. I could not stand that verbally and physically at the moment.

  When I saw Jason's puzzled look, I quickly said, "No ... um ... can I ... maybe go with you ...?"

  He grinned from ear to ear and said, "Sure."

  I rolled my eyes and punched him lightly in the shoulder. I even managed a little smile ...

  "You know what I mean ... I'm not your bedtime ..." I made it quiet again. "

  " I know and now come on. "He smiled me totally s and automatically my heart was beating wildly in my chest I could not do anything against it ...

  Chapter 10

  Amazed, open-mouthed, I stood in front of Jason's house. Well, house was more than understated. It was a villa. We went through the big gate at the entrance and then ran across the huge lawn to Haustre. I was amazed when he steered me into the living room on the sofa.

  Everything was totally modern. In front of the sofa hung a huge flat screen TV on the wall and you had through the huge picture windows a great view of the pool.

  "Wow-I ... did not know that you .... wow .... you even have a pool ..." I stammered totally overwhelmed. He just shrugged. "Money is not everything."

  "Thanks again ..." I gave him a weak smile and then, fascinated, did not catch his eyes from his brown eyes. They looked at me so intensely that I was afraid of being blown away by his gaze. Which was not possible, because I was lying on the sofa.

  "Did I like .... you should rest better now ..."

  I nodded. "Are not your parents there?"

  "No, luckily do not call me if you need something ...." He said, stood around first and then went up to the stairs one floor up.

  Normally it took me an eternity to sleep, but I was just so exhausted and when I closed my eyes the pain got better. Pretty soon I fell asleep.

  When I opened my eyes again, I looked confused in Jason's hazel eyes. I just had the bad feeling that he had watched me sleep ...

  It was already dying outside and I had to think for a moment until I remembered that I was lying in the super luxurious living room of the hot macho of my class.

  For a moment, I let my breath away as he looked at me with an incredible smile that reached his eyes as well. "Are you feeling better?"

  "Yes .... it's almost gone ... I do not know what that was ...." I knew what it was, but he did not need to know that.

  "You're not pregnant, are you?"

  he laughed.

used, I looked to him, then my eyes cleared. Ou, he meant because I had puke ....

  "No, I do not even have a friend so do not worry ..."

  "Then I'm calm," he said, smiling.

  Because of the pregnant or the friend now ...?

  Mmm ...

  I sat up as the door opened and a boy who looked very much like Jason came in.

  Only Jason's features much calmer and somehow ... better, looked prettier than his.

  "Hey Jason, you took a girl with you ..?" The boy asked in surprise. Apparently that did not happen that often.

  "Yes, Amy this is my brother Zac."

  "Hello ..." I said shyly. Zac gave me a friendly smirk and shook my hand, which I gripped. "Hi, so I'll be up there."

  Jason nodded and was about to say something when someone came in.

  "This is my Mum Beth Ray ..." he whispered in my ear. Involuntarily, I shuddered as his warm breath tickled my neck.

  His mother had brown, short hair and looked at us with a serious and stiff expression on her face. "Hello mum." Jason did not say very pleased, took my hand and then pulled me up off the sofa.

  "Come on, let's go to my room." He said quietly and gave his mother a cool look as he pulled me up the stairs.

  Overwhelmed, I went through his room to the balcony. He had a huge balcony all to himself !!

  He came and stood next to me and looked out over the garden.

  I turned my head to him and admired his face. It was unusual for a boy ....

  The courage seized me and I dared to ask, "Jason, why are you like this? I mean, why was your brother so surprised that I'm here? Well ... you .... actually already have quite a few Girl by ... in the last few days I realized that you can be very different ... "

  For a long time he just looked deep into my eyes. I was afraid that I went too far and he was angry.

  "Yeah, I'll give it to you, I've already slept with many girls, but I have no feelings for these sluts, I just have my spa and somehow I want to wipe my parents out of doing whatever I want, I know not, but I'm not always like that, I can do it the other way, do you think I'm this asshole without feelings? Often enough, you already said it. "

  I honestly did not know what I thought about him. He had a bad or better said the sluts have a good reputation. But in the last few days he had been really nice. So different. He could do it differently if he wanted. I was not sure what he was. I always had a shower in it, this side from the last days I liked it very much ...

  "Jason ... why am I here at all, you know I'm not one of those chicks." I asked further.

  "You're here because you're sick and I like you, and I know that's why ..." he did not finish his sentence and shook his head slightly. "You are just different from the others ..."

  Yes, that was me. Whether he meant that now in the good sense, I did not know again.

  And why do you care about me at all? I would like to have said. Otherwise he had never noticed me.

  Surely he did not even know that we were in the same class ... but I kept my mouth shut. I just did not know what was going on in this boy.

  Jason had persuaded me to have dinner. There was a silent silence, while Jason's parents had fine table manners that I could not match. But Zac and Jason did not bother too much.

  Jason's father was introduced to me earlier, I found him quite okey, but I really did not like his mother either. She kept looking at me with gawky glances as we ate. That was probably due to my clothes, they were not 'fine' enough.

  She raised her chin and looked at me with a serious expression. Oh no, this woman was not allowed to have a spa ... no wonder Jason was raging elsewhere ... although I did not like that either ...

  She asked me something else and I answered her questions monosyllabically. It was very uncomfortable for me, as she looked at me and with relief I took a deep breath when Jason got up and we went back to his room.

  "Amy, do you have time tomorrow night, my parents are not here and I'm having a party here, are you coming too?"

  He looked at me with a penetrating look, under which I blushed. Crap! Hopefully he did not imagine it now ....!

  "hm yes ... sure ...." At parties were always too many people to me, but my subconscious, who really wanted to spend time with Jason, talked to me, I had to go absolutely .... I pushed Just wanting to see him, that he has become something like a friend to me and since I had no other, I wanted to do something with him ....

  His face lit up as soon as I said, "Okey, great, I'm glad!"

  Whether I should be happy, I did not know yet.

  I looked at my watch and started. Already 22 o'clock! "It's late ... I might want to go home, I do not want to straighten ..." I stammered.

  You're welcome to stay here ... "he said and I weighed it seriously. I had no, but no desire at all to let my father look .... there Jason was already the much more pleasant choice ... Auerdem was tomorrow weekend.

  "Completely without ulterior motive?" I checked in skeptically and immediately he nodded. "Without ulterior motive."

  "Okey ... yes." I said in embarrassment, standing unconscious in the room. "You can sleep in my bed ..." he said as he pulled a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt out of a drawer. Quickly, I just lay down in bed just as I was and turned away abruptly, as he shamelessly pulled out his pants to pull the sweatpants over.

  "Do you have to change here?" I asked stiffly, still staring intently at his wall.

  "Why are you struggling ...?" He asked with a grin.


  I only heard how he laughed and then dared to look at him and watched him anxiously, as he pulled his top over his head and the sweatshirt over it. I just could not help but stare at his muscular arms and his well-trained upper body. So he really did look good ....

  "Do not drool!" He said with a grin and came to the bed.

  "Wait!" You do not plan to sleep here, do you? " I asked stunned as he started to lie down next to me in bed.

  "Well, it's finally my bed, you can build a pillow wall again ..." he laughed and I just turned on my back and stared at the ceiling. His proximity annoyed me. But to the usual nervousness because of the fear, he made me nervous even on another side .... I felt his heat next to me, while I was very hot and my heart was racing.

  "Woe to monday, there are false rumors in school ..." I mumbled and then relaxed. I did not try to make sure that he was close to me, but that did not work, because he had supported himself on his elbow and looked at me with a smile. "Alright."

  Why did my heart just now always make such a joyful hump when it smiled ??? In the hotel I did not mind that he was lying next to me ...!

  Chapter 11

  "Good night ..." I said softly and closed my eyes. Immediately the image of this morning appeared before my inner eye. My father inexorably rammed his knee into my stomach while he barked at me.

  Quickly I opened my eyes again and gasped .... now stay calm Amy .... I admonished myself.

  "Does your father really care where you are?" Tore Jason out of my mind when he realized that I was not asleep yet.

  "Nah, not the kmmerts, probably did not even notice I'm gone." I said softly.

  Without being able to hold it back, a tears flowed down my cheek. I quickly turned away from Jason, which he did not see. Should that go on forever until I was 18 and could stand on my own? Would my dad continue to bark and beat me every day? I just could not stand that soon. There was a big, deep, black hole in me. No one needed me .... and in the evening everything came up and I just wallowed in self-pity ...

  I tried to close my eyes again, but I opened them again anxiously and could not suppress the trembling.

  Worried, Jason leaned over me. Say this boy always had his eyes open at night!?!?

  "Hey ... what is it?" he whispered softly, pulling me towards him. He embraced my body with his strong arms and held me tight. My back was nestled against his stomach. Automatically, I tensed anxiously, but on the one hand, it felt wonderfully good to be so close to Jason. Although
it should not ...

  "Hey, I do not hurt you, you can relax ...." he whispered and my heart leapt as I felt his warm breath on his cheek. And actually my muscles relaxed and for the first time I felt something like ... security. I have not had that feeling since the death of my Mum ....

  I can feel Jason's heart beating against my back and somehow it felt good to lie in his arms, I would never have thought that. His whole wonderful body heat was on me. I closed my eyes and could fall asleep faster than ever.