Save me,Bad Boy: This is a Love Story
Chapter 1
Bored, I looked forward to the blackboard. I silently listened to our class teacher, Mr. Reger, while my classmates talked to their neighbors as always. I, on the other hand, sat rigidly in my seat and stayed with me.
It has always been that way. In the beginning, a few nice fellows tried to talk to me, but now, after a year, they had long since given up. I was very shy anyway, thin and withdrawn anyway. Many found me weird or weird just because I'm a bit different from the others.
At 17, many teenagers go to mass parties, but I'm reticent, almost never talk and run around in long, loose trousers and a long top. That's 'Out'. I always tied my blond hair back in a ponytail. Why did I almost never talk? Well for one, because I have never had a female or a male friend. Ok, earlier in elementary school, but not since the 'incident' anymore.
Whenever I was ill, it never left much to one, because no one then noticed that I was no longer sitting on my back in the classroom. They left me alone and I let them alone and so I was satisfied.
When I was sleeping, I always wore long clothes to cover my bruises. No one should, no FEW see them, everywhere on my body are which. They come from my father, but meanwhile I was already used to it, that my body constantly ached. I lived alone with my father in an apartment in Munich. My mother was already 4 years dead, she suddenly died of a heart attack. She was still so young .... From there my father had free rein and made me his personal servant and beat me. My mother used to really get along with this Miskerl and had him under control, but now she was not there for a long time. Often I go to her grave and cry. I loved her very much.
From our teacher, I was torn from my thoughts when he announced: "We will drive away together! We make a Auflug about 2 days ..."
With that, Mr. Reger had the full attention of the class. Outings were always good, definitely better than school. Everyone around us cheered, but then abruptly fell silent as our class teacher continued: "... to go hiking in the Alps." Immediately the whole happy mood disappeared and a couple of guys shouted something like, "Oh no, to hike? Really !?" or "That's something for kindergarten kids!"
A few girls complained that it was way too exhausting and the upper Bitch Lavina of our school grumbled that she did not mind it. I hate them abysmally, I hated doing topless make-up and only came to school in high heels and mini skirt. And unfortunately there were quite a few of them in my class, as well as a couple of Bad Boys doing the upper cool and one or two nerds. There were not many normal people, but ok, some did not even consider me normal. My dad just taught me that it is often better to shut up.
Everybody has to come in. You'll get a piece of paper where a parent has to sign and then we'll start on Monday morning, please e-mail me the form you have. " Okey, that would mean that I probably would not come anyway. My dad would not be able to sign.
"The Parallel classes are also coming along and we will overnight the one night in 2 bed rooms in the mountain hotel." Who sleeps where is made on the spot, so now off weekend, "he continued and while the others already wild together On Monday I packed my schoolbag with indifferent mine. Then I disappeared through the door as fast as ever. Actually, either before or after my mitschlern. I did not want to have anything to do with them. Best with nobody. At least I did not have more problems then.
Head down, I ran to my dad's apartment. I had to walk for 30 minutes, but I could not afford a ride ticket. Well, actually, we had enough money, but my dad gave me next to nothing. At least I was allowed to use the food, but I had to go shopping myself. He then gave me the money and urged me to buy nothing else but the ordered food, otherwise there would be beating. Of course I could have taken it secretly, but I was an honest person.
In everything I did, he threatened to beat me, for example if I did not come home immediately after school. Sometimes he hit me even if something did not go fast enough for him or just because he just felt like it. I hated my father, but I could not do anything against him. After all, he had not raped me yet.
I was dreading to enter the apartment again, but mostly I was inside my room or outside. As often as possible just away from my dad ... whenever a bruise or bruise just went away, a newbie came along. Surely the one or the other asks why I did not live in a home then.
Quite simply, because whenever the youth welfare office came my father really tore together and told me to clean the apartment. And I could not say anything. He always threatened with even more strokes, if I did not shut up.
Even now, the 5 room apartment stank like always terrible smoke and drugs. My dad even mocked for alcohol. I did not take anything, did not breathe and did not smoke. I was not so stupid and every day I saw what made this stuff out of one. I definitely did not even want to end up like my dad.
Zgig shouted, "I'm here!" And then rumbled up the stairs to my room. It was the only room that smelled normal, looked normal and where there was order. The room was my retreat. Otherwise, the apartment consisted of 4 other rooms, which were on the ground floor. A small kitchen, the bathroom, a double room where my father slept and a slightly larger living room with a sofa and a large TV. My father usually loitered there while he smoked, drank, or drugged himself. He had no work, we lived on the money my mum had earned earlier and with a small subsidy from the city. Every 3rd evening I volunteered to work in a bar to stand on my own. For example, I had been able to buy a new phone a few months ago on my own.
After doing my homework, I pulled a hat and went downstairs. It was almost summer beginning but now and then it could be very nice and cold. With a "I'm going out!" I went to the Haustre and strolled through the streets. Whether my so-called 'father' had belonged to me, I did not know. But I did not care. He could not decide everything about me.
Chapter 2
When it slowed down I went back home. Who knows what kind of dodgy guys walked around in the dark, I was careful about that. After getting the form in my room, I went downstairs to my dad and held it up to his nose.
"On Monday we'll do a 2-day school trip to the Alps from school, can you sign it?" I asked as nice as possible, but he only scowled at me. He had not looked at the paper for even 2 seconds, let alone read it. "Get me a whiskey out of the fridge," he grumbled and I raised an eyebrow, but then left and brought him the drink. When he took a long sip, I was still waiting. "So what is it now?"
"Do not talk to me in such a tone, Frolein!" He roared immediately, and automatically I backed away a step. When he looked at me, I decided to get away quickly and disappear into my room. In my opinion, I had not done anything wrong, but meanwhile I did not think about it anymore. No matter what you did, my dad could always find something to complain about without reason.
I threw myself on my bed and then winced in pain. Crap! Once again I forgot my injuries. Only this morning my father had attacked me with the broom. But always just below my face. So that no one noticed anything when I wore long clothes.
First, I wrote to my teacher that my father did not want to sign the declaration. That was already the case, Mr. Reger will take care of that already. Then I changed and went to bed to sleep.
But as always I stared at the wall in thought, then closed my eyes, but sleep did not come. Again and again memories of my mum flashed as soon as I closed my eyes. Or I thought of my father's beating and then could not blindfold in fear. I was annoyed myself. It was a reluctant thing to lie in bed every night for so long and not be able to sleep. But I just could not stop thinking, thinking constantly that my dad could come to my room in the middle of the night and beat me.
But as always, I finally faded away after an eternal time.
The next morning I was woken up by a kick in the ribs. I gasped and held my side
. My father was standing in front of my bed, with red eyes and messy hair. "Have breakfast ..." he grunted, then waited for me to get up.
As I made fried eggs in the kitchen with bacon the way he always wanted, I heard him talking on the phone with someone. Later at the dinner table I learned that it was Mr. Reger.
Only by that he had called, I was allowed on the trip. My father had guaranteed but only agreed, because otherwise it would have been noticeable.
So it happened that I then on Monday morning with a small suitcase to the bus ran. Although I did not like my class so much, I was looking forward to the school trip. It would definitely be better than my dad's.
We took the bus and I sat next to a girl I did not know. She had to be from the Para class, because the 3 classes shared 2 big buses.
I would rather have sat alone, but there was no room left. The black-haired girl was probably the same view and simply put the whole ride on headphones in the ear and heard music.
That was only right.
After just over an hour, I saw the landscape change and ever-widening mountains appeared.
Shortly afterwards we stopped at our Alpen Hotel in Garmisch-Patenkirchen.
After we had checked in, we went already. Today we would walk in groups of 6 independently with the Geococing device up the mountain. At dusk around 6 pm we should be back here. A man from the local climbing club called Ralf told us the equipment, from which each group got one. Each group would take a different route and should enjoy the 'view' which everyone was not very excited about. That could be exciting ... Each group was also allowed to keep only one cell phone, for emergencies.
"It will strengthen your cohesion, you should go hiking and not all the time typing for yourself on the phone." Mr. Reger told us with a stern look as everyone protested loudly.
Oh well, after the
group distribution then certainly all argued, wr of the 6 kept his. After Ralf had assured us that there were no enormous descents, but only harmless gravel trails, was found out who would be in which group.
Jason's POV
My mood sank even further when it had not even reached its lowest point. I was not up for this hike and especially not when I saw who I was in a group with. The weather did not look so suitable either. Deep, dark clouds hang over the mountains and you could not keep the cell phones, that was the last! My 2 buddies Dustin (pronounced Dastin) and Ryan came together in a group. Sullen, I looked at my five other people, with whom I would now run until the evening. Well, better than lessons.
Fabian the top nerd in my class was in the same group as me, Lavina and 2 more school bitches and a fair-haired girl from my class as well. It was Amy, the one who always walked alone in school.
As we made our way I pressed the Geococing device into Fabian's hand and lit a cigarette. Genuinely, I pulled on her and relaxed, while I trudged the other behind. I saw out of the corner of my eye Amy staring at me in disgust as I blew the smoke into the air. When I looked at the 3 Tussen I really wondered how they wanted to get up the mountain in such shoes. They were just for beauty and I grimaced in disgust when Melly, one of the three gave me a kiss on the cheek. It remained disgusting amount of lipstick in my face and quickly wiped it away. Well, I had all three of them through before, in bed they were just fine, but nothing more. Her character was just awful and they did not interest me at all.
After all, this Ralf had kept his word and first it went up the mountain only slightly steeply on a gravel road. Almost nobody said anything but Lavina, Melly and the other, whose name I did not know, giggled from time to time. Fabian gave directions over the way. Normally, I was not so easy to command, but here Fabian could easily do the annoying work. Amy had not said anything yet, which did not surprise me very much.
Chapter 3
After another half hour we turned off onto a forest path, where it went steeply uphill over the forest floor. Surprisingly, the 3 Tussen were still good in their shoes, only it bothered me animally, as Melly and Lavina constantly clung to me. As they pushed their neckline right in front of my face was just awful. Constantly they searched for my nearness. Annoyed, I always pushed her away. They just did not check that I did not want anything from them. I fled from them, quickening my pace and catching up with Fabian.
Now it went up a grassy slope in meandering lines. "Sure, we're right here?" I asked Fabian and he nodded. That was not so easy anymore, and the three chicks finally heard some choking gasps. The ground was uneven, bursting with roots and holes. After 10 minutes we arrived at the top and went on a straight dirt road.
As soon as we had run over the hill, Lavina squeezed me again. She pressed her red lips to mine and I returned her kiss. She was really good at kisses. Nevertheless, I broke away from her after a while and wiped the lipstick from her lips. I turned back and then stopped in surprise. Nobody had heard that the silent Amy was not behind us anymore. I
guess I was not too distracted ... "Hey, wait a minute, Amy fell back!"
Fabian murmured only: "It will come after." and Lavina snorted. It does not matter, her fault if she does not come with me. "
All 4 just kept on running and I remained standing. Although I was a bad boy or macho, I was not a monster. The weather did not look good, it could start to rain every second and leaving someone in the mountains alone did not just do it. "Run on!" I shouted after them and ran back a few meters and looked down over the hill. "Amy?" I cried, narrowing my eyes. Then I saw her. At just over half the serpentine, she lay on the ground. Quickly I ran as good as it went down again and crouched next to her. "Hey, Amy, everything ok? Now say something!" I panicked slightly and shook her shoulder, but she did not move. "Oh, goddess ..." I whispered and frantically searched her body. Relieved, I let out a breath as I saw that she was stuck in a hole with her foot. There was some blood on her head, she must have come up and gone unconscious.
I was not a doctor, but her foot was cracked. Carefully, I released him from the hole and feverishly considered what to do. An unconsciousness was not without it, it would be best to contact our teacher, but of course the only cell phone we could keep was Lavina! Oh great! Hopefully Amy woke up soon and did not have a bad brain crush or anything ...
I searched my backpack for a handkerchief and gently dabbed her wound. At the same time I looked at her face in detail. She looked incredibly peaceful and if she had not put her indifferent face on, her face was really pretty. I had never noticed that before ...
Without further ado, I picked her up in bridal style and walked carefully back the way. Seeking I looked around when I stood on the hilltop. Amy was not really that heavy, but she'd better check with a doctor. Damn, where were the others only! I did not see them anywhere, they just went on! To make matters worse, it started raining now. "Scheie!" I cursed and walked down the straight path. Maybe we would catch up with her after all ...
Amy's POV
Sthnend, I slowly opened my eyes. All around me everything was jerking and my normal pain of bruising was followed by a dull throb of the forehead and a stinging pain in the foot.
As my eyes finally tightened around, I noticed that we were leaving. Wait, WE? I lay in the arms of a very well-trained boy while it was raining. We were still on the mountain .. what happened? Ah yes, I was down ... When I turned my face to the boy who held me in his arms, I was terribly frightened. Jason's brown hair was already damp from the drizzle, which was getting stronger and stuck to his pretty face. I quickly checked if all my clothes covered the purple and blue spots, which thankfully she did. At the same time, I noticed that there was some blood sticking in my hair and my foot was torn, cracked or something else was wrong with him. But that was not the only problem. I lay in the arms of a boy! And then, of all things, the popular macho Jason.
"Let me down immediately!" I said gruffly and fidgeted in his arms. But he had a firm grip and I could not free myself. Besides, my bruises were just hurting. They hurt and he was not allowed to see them!
"You were unconscious, you proba
bly poked your head and your foot was stuck in a hole." He told me while I was still trying to free myself. "LET ME DOWN!" Slowly I became really hysterical if he did not take his filthy hands off of me! Who knows where they've been all over ... "Well, as you want, but I do not think you can walk, let alone stand."
And yes, unfortunately he was right. When he let me down, I suddenly jumped painfully and he would not have held me by the arm, I would have fallen into the dirt. Meanwhile, it is doing right.
"When you're done messing around, I'd go find a shelter now, are you coming with me, or are you going to take root here?"
I bit my cheek and then gave in. "Alright ..." I did not want to and I was embarrassed to say that I needed his help and he had to either support me or pick me up. Thank God he looked at my face for a moment and then picked me up as before. I jerked briefly, but luckily he did not realize that. It felt very unpleasant to touch him in so many places, but I needed him now.
Due to the rain I did not see where we were going, but a shelter was really a good idea now. My clothes were already durchnsst anyway.
"Is it really that bad to be held in my arms? Many girls would give it a lot," he said with a grin and I looked at him. "Asshole!"
Finally he set me down after a felt eternity under a ledge. Relieved, I breathed. There was a slightly bigger dry spot where Jason Platz had to sit down. "Where are the others?" I asked curiously and confused.
"The ... well ... they wanted to go before and I'm back shortly, when we noticed, that you were not there anymore, you are probably already further ..."